Space Cloud Unit - Develops the first Blockchain-based cloud market

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At present, information dissemination is very fast, a lot of information is produced by various associations. As a result of this rapid spread, everyone wants to get the information they get. There is a need for a reliable platform that stores this information in a safe manner. This platform can be a cloud storage project. About one project and today. This project is called Space.Cloud.Unit. This project will be unique in terms of information storage, because there will be objective reasons for this. First of all, this is a solution to the problem that is in the existing cloud storage platform.

The main objective of the project is to use a decentralized method to store information through the blockchain, which will significantly improve the project's position in front of the developers. This platform is carried out with care, which will allow each user to individually solve the problem of cloud storage of their information.

Hasil gambar untuk space cloud unit token

SCU) the meaning of token is one of the embodiments and opportunities for all capital owners to invest large or private funds through a smart conversation system in a protected system Banks can exchange parts of the blockchain with each other for analysis used and transaction tracking. Blockchain that can be used for business return processes, such as moving transactions from front to center, eliminates the need for data harmonization. New uses include blockchain for commercial financing, global payments, securities payments and commercial real estate.

Space.Cloud.Unit - SCU is a young German startup founded in 2017 by CEO Christian Spritz. Space.Cloud.Unit is developing the first Blockchain-based cloud market such as Uber and AirBnB for the cloud storage market. Thanks to the Space.Cloud.Unit market, SCU users will be able to create their own ideal distributed cloud, while choosing their own specific cloud standards, such as storage capacity and best prices. Headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, Space.Cloud.Unit has a core mission, it also has extensive backup from Powerfolder and has ten years of experience in developing cloud storage solutions.

Blockchain is more than a happy database. At a high level, blockchain is a protocol that explains the transactions that are determined, linked, transmitted, and collected. Block to consensus about data warehouse approval. Although blockchain is not technically basic data, many blockchain implementations use key / value databases as data storage, so data is encrypted as part of the system. Likewise, science functions are allowed or blocked as operational data repositories added to each step of the transaction process.

See how blockchain technology actually works, and how it can be used as "digital truth" for online transactions, music communications, cryptocurrency, and many others. Space.Cloud.Unit This project represents the development of a per capita system compared to the value of fluctuations on the blockchain, which in recent years has been increasing. The study says that now everyone can get the opportunity to gain wealth with wireless blockchain and the development of cryptocurrency projects that are getting faster, especially in the field of cryptocurrency with ethereum smart contracts.

Token Allocation

Token Distribution


Space Cloud Unit Team

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Author : Kevin_Raditya
