Want marketplace - use the NoSQL core database to store blockchain data.

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WANTING Market is a project that provides users with several e-commerce market markets in B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C segments in various countries. A unique product search system will run on the platform, with help from users. Also, compilation makes voice requests, the system will determine the negotiation of the request.

The Blockchain offers Bitcoin a fixed set of mechanical rules so that transactions can be carried out between private users without intermediaries. When Bitcoin became increasingly popular, other digital currencies quickly followed their own blockchain implementation. Every new and successful implementation of connected technology forces others to pay attention to it, causing an explosion of interest in blockchain in various industries and applications.

Global e-commerce ecosystem consisting of hyper-local B2B, B2C, O2O and C2C, social groups, private groups, secure messaging markets, runs on the Android platform and is currently available in the US, India, Indonesia and the Philippines with the application of Global Trading Our B2B - WANT, available worldwide. Other B2C, C2C products will soon appear in the United States, India, Europe, Britain and Southeast Asia. This works on our main search engine, Benipal, which was developed over the past 10 years and is able to do contextual and relational search using images, text, and sound. See Pitch Deck and White paper for more information about our exceptional search engine technology for purchases. Benipal, the most sophisticated shopping search engine ever developed. 

Overview of WANT Marketplaces (WNT) Business Models

1. Validity of translation
This project will get funding for users of various trading platforms. In the B2B segment, the package that provides verified buyer and seller baseline data is $ 1999, and users will also pay $ 99 per month for message delivery costs. In the US, the package fee will be $ 999, in India - $ 199. Users will also pay a 3% commission for all sales. The project team will conduct training and training in Asian countries to train entrepreneurs to connect to the Internet and make a list of products in their stores. This training will also require a small amount of money.

2. The amount of currency received
Projects accept liquid currencies such as: BTC, BCH, ETH, ETC, XRP, XMR, LTC.

3. Emission Tokens
In this project there are a number of tokens. During the STO period, 100,000,000 WNT tokens will be available.

4. Discounts for purchasing tokens
Discounts for token purchases are 28%.

5. Roadmap
In the map of the technology provided, the project objectives are up to 2020. After ICO, the developers will raise funds as follows: 15% - "Project development, 10% -" Make office ", 60% -" Marketing ", 5% -" Call Center ", 10% -" Project team "

6. SOFT / HARD CAP Ratio
This project has a poor SOFT CAP / HARD CAP ratio, which has a negative impact on investment attractiveness. SOFT and HARD CAP values ​​are $ 2,000,000 and $ 20,000,000, respectively.

7. bring the MVP
The project has been developed MVP.

8. Risk and insurance assessments
The Security Token Offer (STO) form stores tokens, which means inventory of security assets, profits, and cash flows. In addition, STO must determine investors and securities regulations. This increases corporate accountability, reduces accountability on the market and ensures the protection of investor rights, which supports increased investment attractiveness of the project.

Not all blockchain are the same. Some current cryptocurrency (also known as digital currency) starts with the bitcoin code base, and many use the same block chain. For example, bitcoin and lightcoin use the same binary format for the blockchain, but differ in cryptographic and consensus approaches. Zcash is a cryptocurrency based on the previous version of Bitcoin, but has made significant changes to support additional anonymity and confidentiality. Allowed blocks like Hyperledger, Chain, R3 Corda, and BigchainDB use the NoSQL core database to store blockchain data. Allow or private blocking gives permission to certain parties in the network to authenticate blockchain transactions through the access level. Although personal blockchains don't require a consistent process, they are less damaging.

See how blockchain technology actually works, and how that technology can be used as a basis for "digital truth" for online transactions, music sharing, cryptocurrency, and many others. WANT THE MARKET TO HAVE This project represents system development per capita compared to the value of blockchain fluctuations, which have become increasingly sharp in recent years

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WNT) This token is one manifestation and opportunity for all capital owners to invest large or private funds through intelligent exchange systems in a protected access system. Banks can exchange parts of the blockchain with each other to track suspicious activity and track the flow of transactions. Blocking is allowed to be used to rearrange business processes, such as moving transactions from the front to medium offices, eliminating the need for data reconciliation. New uses include blocking for trade finance, global payments, settlement of securities and commercial real estate.

                        DRAFT ROADMAP WANT THE STO MARKET

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                                          One of the Want marketplace team

     Information :

Author : Kevin_Raditya
