Emjac - Take advantage of the latest Blockchain technology

Hasil gambar untuk emjac

EMJAC: Promoting environmental change through the Energy Waste Recycling Initiative through :

  • Take advantage of the latest Blockchain technology to complete the global tire waste depot
  • Reduce illegal tire waste disposal by creating value for tire waste
  • Optimizing and tracking the movement of waste tires from the source to the processing plant
  • Increase the percentage of recycled global waste tires in an environmentally friendly way
  • Providing Long-term, Sustainable and Renewable Energy Sources Worldwide
  • Provides trading solutions and platforms for inventory, logistics and used tire products.

IEO Token Details

  • Tokens Offered - 350 million
  • Soft Cap (IEO Public) - $ 8 million
  • Distributed Tokens - 30 days after the sale of tokens has ended
  • Token info
  • Token - EMJ
  • Platform - Ethereum
  • Type - ERC20
  • Price of PreICO - 1 EMJ = 0.08 USD
  • Price in ICO - 0,1100 USD

Token Allocation

  • Product Development -70%
  • Marketing / Partners - 7%
  • Team & Operations - 20%
  • Prizes - 3%


 Hasil gambar untuk emjac

EMJAC: Promoting environmental change through the Energy Waste Recycling Initiative through:
  • The EMJAC token strives to create a complete recovery cycle for P2P and B2B, to facilitate wider penetration into recycling and share knowledge that used tires are thrown away and recycled in an environmentally friendly way.
  • With the help of TRU and blockchain technology, our token holders will be able to understand, track and track the movement of waste tires to thermal plants around the world and subsequent product processing.
  • The EMJAC market will allow token holders to trade in supply and demand for used tires in each country, send offers and buy and sell refined synthetic diesel fuel products, black steel wire, and refined steel on the world market. Such trade opportunities exist because of differences in the prices of these goods, especially diesel fuel, which is an inherent energy demand in each country.
  • The EMJAC blockchain ecosystem is designed to complete a recycling cycle where waste tire manufacturers (P2P, B2B, P2B, B2P) can create long-term value for tire waste while supporting the noble goal of protecting our soil and reducing its negative effects. Exposure to 2 billion used tires are produced worldwide every year.

Hasil gambar untuk emjac


2016 Q1
  • Concept
  • Concept Generation
  • Assembling Team
Q2 2016
  • Research
  • Prove that concept can work
  • The strategic plan
  • White paper is complete
Q3 2016
  • The design
  • The ground for the refinery is sealed
  • 10 Engineers join EMJAC
2017 Q2
  • Partnership
  • Our Technology Partner, ECSB, grants Pioneer Status with a 5-year Exclusion Tax from the Malaysia Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
2017 Q3
  • Project
  • TRU PROJECTS are secured for waste tire recycling
2017 Q4
  • Partnership
  • Strategic Partnership & MOU
  • Successful "TRU" R&D with 4 components extracted
2018 Q2
  • Pre-Marketing
  • Pre marketing with strategic partners
2018 Q3
  • Official Approval
  • DOE Approval and Government Agencies
2018 Q4
  • Legal work
  • Final Legal Consultation
2019 Q2
  • Pre-Marketing
  • Strategic Partnership and MoU
2019 Q3
  • Launch of IEO
  • Partner Exchange
  • Register at the Exchange
2019 Q4
  • Launch of MVP Beta
  • Launch MVP with search functionality
2020 Q1
  • MVP with Testnet Launch
  • Launch of the EMJAC Marketplace Beta
2020 Q2
  • Launch of MainNet Beta
  • Interigation with EMJAC Cellular Applications
                                                                        Emjac Team

Hasil gambar untuk emjac

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Author : Kevin_Raditya
