Payment porte - introducing smarter and more modern business methods with the help of their virtual assets.

Recently, a new fintech startup was launched at one of the largest technology conferences in the world, Bangkit in Hong Kong. "Payment Porte", a new Blockchain-based company, focuses on an outdated, slow, and expensive cross-border payment system. The company that is much talked about at RISE's, promises that with its launch the way people perceive the payment industry will change for the better.

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Introducing Porte Payments

Payment Porte is a payment gateway with its own utility token called Porte Token. Payment Porte aims to target the $ 12 Trillion market of the Ocean Freight & Shipping industry by introducing smarter and more modern business methods with the help of their virtual assets.


Payment Porte is a fintech startup that is building The NEW WAVE of a digital payment solution, using a decentralized public blockchain, and distributed ledger technology.

Faster, cheaper and brighter technology will enable individuals and businesses to modernize, while taking advantage of increased efficiency and profitability.
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Porte Payments is a Stellar Blockchain network integrated platform that will allow you to have full control over your tokens. You can send, receive, save and trade Payment Porte tokens. This eliminates the need for traditional cross-border payment transfer systems such as ACH transfers and bank SWIFT systems for bank payments. This system has a failure rate of 7% or higher and is a very time-consuming and expensive process. Payment Porte also hopes to address the giant money transfer market efficiently.

Payment Porte offers a new approach to traditional payment methods today by offering ledger solutions that are fast, scalable, secure, decentralized, and distributed offering solutions that enable customers to increase business, profits, and efficiency. Payment Porte not only reduces cross-border transaction fees from 8-10% to 1-2%, but also makes it happen in minutes, not days and weeks.

We envision a near future where Payment Porte will become a fast, affordable, safe, cross-border payment gateway for modern companies, maritime port industries, importers and exporters of global trade cargo.

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The Payment Porte platform, which uses Blockchain as a core technology will allow businesses and individuals to partner with Payment Porte and make all their cross-border payments without friction.

Payment Porte offers a new approach to traditional payment methods today by offering fast, scalable, secure, decentralized, and ledger ledger solutions that allow customers to increase business, profits, and efficiency.

Payment Porte not only reduces cross-border transaction fees from 8-10% to 1-2%, but also makes it happen in minutes, not days and weeks.

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  • PORTE token, off-ramp (multi-currency) to a bank account
  • Buy PORTE, use virtual assets BTC, BCH, ETH, XLM, or USDC
  • Transfer virtual financial assets to a double wallet to transfer payments and store them in a free wallet
  • Multi-signature option for payment transfers
  • Smart contracts are generated and keep payments in escrow until the requirements for release are fulfilled.
  • KYC & AML verification integrated in user account settings.


Token gate

PORTE tokens are utility tokens, and Virtual Financial Assets (VFA). The token will be used as a platform liquidity and value transfer tool for users. Buy tokens on, SDEX and several global exchanges.

Bifold Wallet

The bifold wallet network application is made for your temporary escrow, long-term storage or for transferring your funds to a bank account. You have it! Non-containment storage means the Payment Port platform has never had access to your account. You have full control over the private key for your assets.


BitFurnace is a burning mechanism application that is triggered on the platform when your token is used to complete transactions. When the BitFurnace firewall reaches a fixed minimum supply of 200 million, the guaranteed amount of deflation from the token supply that is met will be met.

New strategic partnership :

A partnership has recently been formed between Payment Port Inc. and The Chainzilla Team is a technical advisor, and will bring years of blockchain expertise to our web applications, platforms and application development. We are very pleased that the PORTE token will be implemented into the Chameleon Pay wallet and their trading platform.


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                                                                Payment Porte Team

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For more information, please visit the link below :

Author : Kevin_Raditya
