Elad - Created a cryptocurrency platform and real estate network

Hello all. I will write about the cryptographic article called ELAD Network for more details, I will discuss it below:

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What is ELAD network ?

ELAD Tech Ltd. is a management company supported by the most advanced technology. We are a professional and diverse team based in London who wants to destroy the real estate industry, invest, and exchange Peers 2 Peers in one place.

Our innovative development team, experienced real estate professionals and Blockchain fans created the next generation real estate platform together.

We believe that everyone should have access to affordable homes, but I don't even know where to start. Our goal is to provide access to markets and opportunities to make money with the market, while reducing intermediaries to get more profit for our customers. Our aftermarket will be decentralized according to our values.

How does it work ?

Ownership of shares and risk reduction, ownership of valuable tangible assets, including aircraft, yachts, or real estate resorts. This can be done for financial reasons, but usually there is a number of private accesses. One of the main motivators for fractional purchases by one owner is the lack of full-time assets.

Every fractional effort requires management, management of regulations, and protection of assets in property documents. Usually, management will monitor the daily activities of one property, although it doesn't have to. Individual fractional assets can be managed by one entity. The owner of the company where you can deal with public administration and some owners. In addition, each owner pays a part of the annual management and maintenance fees in connection with the percentage of ownership.

Easily create multiple portfolios, accept crypto or paper currency from your portfolio income, while maintaining your initial investment in property.

Hasil gambar untuk elad token

ELAD token

ELAD Token is built on the ERC20 standard, this is a cryptocurrency used to trade on the ELAD Network investment platform. ELAD tokens can be used to exchange cryptocurrency after the end of the sale.

ELAD Network Sales is intended for early investors who want to access the first real estate offer on the online platform. Using property is a transaction, each ELAD token used through an online platform gives you the right to receive capital and income from real estate.

The purpose of selling the initial token is to create an online platform and buy real estate, which investors choose through an online platform, this will increase prices when building a property network.

Token Distribution and Token Sale Proceeds

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Token Distribution

100,000 Elad tokens will be printed in a fixed inventory, reserves can be stored or burned after the sale of tokens, which can change the available inventory.

A maximum of 15% of the total supply will be used as a long-term incentive to attract investors, involve partners in the community platform and increase application loyalty.

10% Elad tokens can be stored if demand is high after being registered at the warehouse. Stores that are not used can be burned after 12 months or stored for future growth.
Token Elad can be purchased for fiat or cryptocurrency, as well as exchanged and exchanged, like other altcoins.


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Elad Team

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