Smathium - Building a multi-business loyalty platform

Hello everyone, good evening. This time I will provide information about a very interesting project for you to know about in a new cryptocurrency called Smathium. Before heading to the discussion, I think we all agree that blockchain technology still needs efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.

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Cryptocurrency fever is increasing, people have heard it and more and more people want to know more about it and find ways to be a part of it. When blockchain technology arrived, everything changed, for the better, we said. So many businesses have improved that many companies have begun using cryptocurrency in their work.

Every day, new ideas come. People want to invest in new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world and is called the Internet. The internet is a great information base where we can do anything. The internet has connected the whole world.

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What do you know about Smathium?

SMATHIUM is a blockchain-based loyalty platform offered to be completed that supports traditional loyalty programs. Decentralized application (dApp) where all businesses can create their loyalty rewards program supported by a single token. A single loyalty point system is put together in small on / off-line retailers around the world that involve everyday life. Cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and even shopping centers.

Smathium seeks to bridge various brands by building a multi-business loyalty award platform that is open to all types of businesses. In lieu of integrated media between users and brands, Smathium tokens can be used for transactions in all businesses registered on our platform and can be traded in transportation.

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Smathium VISION

Smathium Introduces a loyalty platform based on blockchain technology that solves problems and limits current program loyalty and provokes customers to be more loyal to the brand.

through the "SMATHIUM" platform, brands can provide various benefits and services, such as membership in department stores, to customers. and benefits that can be obtained more than the amount in benefits and benefits that are supported and of high quality.

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SMATHIUM platform

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of meetings like department stores

Anyone including business applications and small retailers can offer their customers their own Assessment program. Program Give your customers.

Example of the benefits of purchasing
Smathium shopping centers can offer member benefits that are more consumer friendly than simple coupons.

Single Integrated Coin
Customers can receive prizes in digital form instead of getting more points for each brand. Smathium guarantees legitimate ownership of its customers.

Benefits that can be traded
Brands purchased on the Smathium platform can buy and sell Benefits. The Association Program is a new distribution channel for brand sales on a large scale.

Token Distribution

Token Allocation

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Smathium Team

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For more information, please visit the link below :

Author : Kevin_Raditya
