Synchrobit - An innovative P2P hybrid digital asset trading platform

Hasil gambar untuk synchrobit token

What is Synchrobit ?

SynchroBit Coin (SNB) is a cash token owned by SynchroBit ™, an innovative hybrid P2P digital asset trading platform developed by SYNCHRONIUM®. For more information about the SynchroBit digital asset trading platform on, please read

SNB Token is an ERC-20 token with smart contract features that allows owners to use its functionality on all SYNCHRONIUM® platforms in the future.
SNB tokens will be integrated into SynchroBit ™ at the end of the Public ICO and will be the main payment instrument on the platform to pay for any fees, including trading fees.

Hasil gambar untuk synchrobit token


One Market
SynchroBit ™ is a free trading platform that discusses fiat and cryptocurrency for trading various types of digital assets. Trading with SNB tokens on will take place without commission.

Transparency and Trust
Thanks to the latest blockchain-based technology, the SynchroBit ™ platform is fully transparent and is responsible to its users. SNB token holders receive benefits from the continued approval of the ETH blockchain in each transaction.

Diversity and Simplicity
SNB tokens will be integrated as the main cryptocurrency with other SYNCHRONIUM® platforms, based and in partnership. This will discuss the use of SNB tokens in the blockchain ecosystem.

Supported by Leaders
SNB tokens are supported by leading cryptocurrency as sponsors, including BTC-Alpha, CoinLim, CREX24, CoBitBit, LiveCoin and Mercatox on ICO, and will subscribe to all PTs on the island of Palatu in the United Kingdom in the United Kingdom in England in England. United States of America.

Gambar terkait

SYNCHRONIUM® (SYNCHRONIUM LTD) is a technology company with headquarters in the UK, US, Georgia, Estonia, Turkey, India and the Philippines with operations centers in 12 countries. (For more information, please visit SynchroBit Coin Token (SNB) is the official token of the SynchroBit ™ Digital Assets trading platform, which plays the role of the platform's own money system.

Token Distribution

Budget distribution


Hasil gambar untuk token sinkronisasi

Synchrobit Team

For more information, please visit the link below :


Author : Tuyul Gupies
